donderdag 26 november 2015

Airport shopping: travel exclusives

When you're reading this I'm enjoying some much needed sun.  As I'm writing this I'm imagining myself walking on the beach, feeling the sand between my toes and having a mind that's totally blank.       Just walking around enjoying the scenery and living in the moment.  The biggest issue of the day being "I'm feeling a bit hungry, what am I going to eat" while enjoying having my man all to myself.  The perfect getaway this time of year when the days get shorter, everything seems darker and my energy levels are getting low.

But there's one stop we have to make before getting there: the airport.  And at the airport there are shops.  If we're lucky we'll be able to do some shopping but since our flight is leaving extremely early in the morning I don't think the shops will be open.  But if they are, I might do some damage.

We all know the taxfree shops but I feel that if you look around for discounts and promotions, you can buy things at the same price in your local shops.  The isle that gets my full attention is the 'travel exclusive' isle.  Almost all the big brand shave travel exclusives.  Make up palettes, product combinations for a good price, travel sized perfumes ... all exclusive for the airport shops.  That's what I look for.  

Take this Dior exclusive I bought two years ago while traveling to New York, I mean look at it.  It has everything you need: nailpolishremover, a base coat, a nude color, a neutral color, a red color and a topcoat all in one kit.  You won't be able to find this at your local beauty or department store.  So next time you're in the airport, think about keeping an eye out for the travel exclusive isle, lots of fun things are stored there.


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