woensdag 24 februari 2016

Pharmacy must have: Homeoplasmine

I've been obsessed with pharmacy brands lately.  I recently had to purchase a new cleanser and day cream and my search started and ended at the pharmacy.  Truth be told, their products are usually just as good if not even better than the big cosmetic brand products and they have something for every problem you may have with your skin.  And most of the time you pay only a fraction of the price then you would buying at a beauty store.  One of the products that's been with me for a few years now and that I totally swear by is Homeoplasmine (by Boiron).

I carried this with me at my MUFE course and one of my model friends had really dry lips, they weren't really split but she did have some dead skin on there.  Before I started applying makeup I put some Homeoplasmine on them and by the time I had to put on lipstick her lips were as soft as a baby's bottom.  And last week I went to dinner with a friend who had really cracked lips, I mean really cracked to the point it hurts.  She already tried everything and anything so I suggested trying Homeoplasmine and a few days later she texted me that the cracks had almost completely gone.  

Homeoplasmine is a treatment for irritated skin.  It works when you have that red flaky nose we all get when we have a cold, it works for dry spots on your face and it works wonders for lips.  I mainly use it for my lips but sometimes I get dry spots near my eyebrows, I just put some on at night and the dryness is gone by the time I wake up.  

It has a very thick and tacky substancy so it's not something you just put on your face or lips during the day so I do recommend using it at night.  It's also not meant to be used all day every day but more as a treatment when you have local dry spots.

And the best part?  The price!  One tube costs €6,66 (price at newpharma.be) and you get 40ml of products.  So imagine Elisabeth Ardens Eight Hour cream (which costs €35,50 for 50ml at Sephora.fr) without the smell, maybe even better working and at a fraction of the price and you know what Homeoplasmine does.  A real must have in any makeup kit or skincare collection if you ask me.

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