maandag 13 juli 2015

When 2 loves come together ...

Aside from my man, my family and friends I have 2 big loves: make-up (duh) and New York.  I absolutely love New York.  Whenever I’m there I just come alive and it always feels like coming home.  The last few years I’ve been there every year and chances are I won’t be able to make it this year and that thought alone gets me all depressed.  I don’t know what it is but I thrive on adrenaline (going to bed at midnight and lying awake at 5 a.m. listening to the city waking up - and no, it’s no jet lag) and when I leave I always feel unfulfilled, like there is still so much more to see and experience … the city always leaves me wanting more!!!
So you can only imagine what it’s like when I find make-up product dedicated to New York.  I think they deserve their own display, or better yet they should be locked away so nothing will ever happen to them.  And no way (and I really mean no way) will I ever use them.  
Here you have them, my two most precious make-up products: Urban Decay I love New York palette and Physicians Formula city glow bronzer in New York.

As much as I love the naked palettes, I remember the palettes Urban Decay used to launch were real work of arts.  So much detail and so special, the make-up really wasn’t the most important reason you’d buy them. I wonder why they don’t make palettes like that anymore, they were known for it … a palette from UD was just pure beauty. 

I was too late to grab the I love NYC palette when it came out but then one day I saw it on (now known as Lucky shot, I know because 2 days later it was gone.

It’s just so pretty!! I mean look at it: it has Brooklyn Bridge, lady liberty, the empire state building, the yellow cabs, the lights … the eyeshadows in there are probably great too but I have no intention of ever trying them.   This is one palette that will never be used and will be cherised forever.

The Physicians Formula City Glow Bronzer was given to me today.  A friend of mine just came back from NYC and I asked her to buy this one for me.  I’d seen it on the net and I just knew I had to have it.  I have to say the pictures don’t do this bronze justice, it’s really gorgeous and I’m sure that if it were any other city on there I would be using it and loving it.  But since it’s New York, I’ll just look at it and I’ll never ever use it (of course thinking about it now I could’ve asked her to bring 2, one for display and one to use).

I really think of these two as little pieces of art, too pretty to use.  And one day I’ll have a make-up room and I’ll put them up for display but until then, they’ll stay locked away where nothing can happen to them and every now and then I’ll take them out just to look at them.


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