woensdag 17 juni 2015

Sephora + Pantone Color IQ and findation.com experiences

I love shopping for beauty products. All but one: foundation.  Even though I want to try out as many as possible to get the perfect one for that *flawless* effect, shopping for foundation is just stressful. I do my research and usually know which one I want but then there’s the tiny problem of color matching.  Too warm, too cold, too yellow, too rose … there’s always something.  For high end foundations you can ask for help from a saleslady/makeup-artist but for me it's hard to put my 'faith' in a strangers' hand.    Drugstore foundations are a definite no-no because 9 out of 10 you can’t even try them out.  So I usually end up going to MAC (because once you know what color matches you, you’re set for the rest of your life).  And when I come home I think „Is this what I’ve become?  A creature of habit, too scared to take a risk?” ( just kidding, foundation doesn’t really make me question my life or myself but you get the point). 

So when I read about the Sephora + Pantone Color IQ matching service I knew I had to try it.  I decided to go for it in a Sephora in Las Vegas. I choose this one because it had a lot of natural light coming in, I figured if you tried it in a dark store filed with artificial light it wouldn’t be the same (and reviews on the net proved me right).  I asked one of the ladies about the Color IQ service and she immediately called one of the makeup artists over and I got matched.  Easy peasy, they take off whatever you’re wearing on your face and hold a little ‚scanning’ machine against your face and you just wait for the result, turns out I’m 2Y05.  We tried a few of the color matching foundations on my face and they all looked like perfect fits.  I wasn’t planning on buying a foundation at that point but that was ok, the results were send to me by email.  Now I know which one’s to buy in the future and I’m even contemplating buying one from a brand we can’t get in store over here, like Lorac.  I’m feeling quite confident about the matches.

High end foundation problem solved!  What a relieve.  But what about drugstore foundations?  I decided to try my luck on findation.com.  I put in 2 of the matching colors according to the color IQ system and there it was: a whole list of color matches!!!  Sweet mother of god, so many choices, so many brands, all available for me without having to worry about the coloring.  Now, I’m no fool so I started comparing the outcome with the Sephora list and turns out most color matches of findation are 1 shade darker.  But that’s ok, at least now I know where to start.  Needless to say, my last trip to Walmart had me buying a few drugstore foundations (with confidence this time). 

I highly recommend trying the Color IQ system if you are in a Sephora store, unfortunately the system is only available in the US I think.  If you combine your outcome with some common sense (I did my color IQ in may, so I imagine I’ll need a color a bit darker for summer) and a matching system like findation it can make your foundation search a lot easier.
You can always try out a few different Sephora stores for the Color IQ system to see if the results all match.  Like I said, the lighting it the store can make the outcome different from one store to another.  

I’m really happy I tried this and I can’t help but wonder why more stores/brands don’t offer this system.  It’s science, it’s color matching, it shouldn’t be so hard to do. 


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